It's hard to believe I ever thought I couldn't have children. Three months before Topher was conceived I had a miscarriage, and was told by my doctor to not try to get pregnant for six months. I'm so glad I stuck to my guns and refused birth control! God had a plan for us, and now he is four.
Time seemed to go by so slowly when Topher was a baby. I was half in awe that he existed and half terrified that I would screw him up. Parenthood is tough, but he made it easy for me. As my first born he taught me how to be a mommy. Over the last four years we've cried together and laughed uncontrollably together. We have gone on adventures and gotten lost on accident. We drove together to California. We met new people and I got to see how much he is like me- shy at first before warming up.
Being Topher's mom, and now Sarah's mom, is the hardest job I have ever had, yet the most rewarding. Not only is my son four today, but I celebrate four years of motherhood. There were times I thought I would go crazy, feeling like I can't be a good mom, but I have realized that my Lord has made me the perfect mom for my children. We are uniquely matched. Although sometimes perfection is far from our everyday life, I am grateful for every moment of motherhood. I thank God for my children, and maybe we'll have more, but for now....TOPHER IS FOUR!!!
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