Monday, April 9, 2012

The Dallas Doctors Diet

My mom is reading this book and we are trying the suggestions in it. I wanted to share this information because it may actually work!

From my mom...

Christy, Here are the basics of this “eating plan” It is a 21 day plan to teach you a new way to eat.

First, write down your eating style: do you like crunchy foods, spicy foods, what are your preferences? This is important. What meals do you eat now and why? What are your favorite foods and snack when you are not dieting? Are you a fast or slow eater? Do you eat more when you are depressed, anxious, nervous, angry, excited, etc?

What do you believe is your normal “feel good” weight? This information will be important later

The four levels of hunger.

Level 1-No hunger-seeing, smelling or thinking about food doesn’t provoke any desire in you to eat.

Level 2-Appetite-the idea of “certain foods” is tantalizing like chips and salsa, cookies, etc but you wouldn’t think about eating a salad or leftover casserole at this point. Appetite can seduce you into wanting to eat something, even if you are full, but obviously, if you are full, you can’t be hungry.

Level 3-At this point even lettuce and leftovers look good. Your body is sending out strong “I’m empty” signals to you and you are aware of a healthy, pleasurable urge to fill up and will tackle your food with zest and eat until comfortably full.

Level 4-Over Hunger. This is dangerous because you will likely overeat. This usually occurs an hour after you have reached level 3.

Identifying your hunger level will at first be confusing to you. 65% of people only need two meals a day, 15% get hungry only once a day and only 5% of people three times a day!! Kind of smacks in the face of popular ideas, huh?

Week one: Step 1

Eat only when at hunger level 3

For three days do not eat breakfast-you may have up to three cups of coffee or tea with a conservative amount of sugar and cream if you like.

Do not take one bite of food until you have reached level 3. This may be at 10:30, 12:00 or even later! For me it was around noon.

Write down the food you ate and the time and your hunger level. This will help you identify your pattern of hunger.

Step 2

Eat anything you want, but taste your food!

Eat slowly-take around 20-30 minutes to eat your meal and enjoy every bite! Half way through your meal stop for 5 minutes and do something else.

Step 3

Eat one food at a time in Order of preference.

Don’t save the best for last. Eat the first thing you LOVE and all of it then see if you want more.

Step 4

Drink 5 bottles of water a day! Unless your cells are kept hydrated, they can’t burn off fat properly. If you don’t drink at least 60 ounces of water a day, you will lose only half as much weight a week. It has to be water. Check off on your food sheet that you have drank all your water and taken your five minute breaks during your meal.

During the first two weeks you can’t eat cereal, milk, juices, and sweets. You can add these back later.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

There is a program called Naturally Slim started by her daughter. It is becoming popular with large corporations and healthcare providers (Baylor etc).