Thursday, August 16, 2012

An Update on The Big Move

We've lived in Tullahoma, TN now for almost 3 weeks. The house in unpacked. Topher has begun pre-K, and Jared has begun work. We are settling in. To my surprise this little town is already starting to grow on me. I enjoy the slowness of it, and the kindness of strangers. The weather is not as bad as I expected (although, 3 weeks is hardly enough time to truly comment on the weather!). The days are becoming more mild, and the evenings are actually cool. I'm excited to see the change of seasons. Fall promises to be beautiful. Also, we are already meeting some great people. Jared has even joined a bowling league!

Some cool things we've discovered:

The Hands-On Science Center
Imagination Station
Grow in Grace Preschool
Coffee County Library

Some cool things we want to check out:

Granddaddy's Farm
Short Springs

We are visiting Grace Chapel this Sunday (thanks Uncle Phil!)
This will be the third church we've visited here in Tullahoma.

On the job front; Jared loves his new job. The guys he works with are great. Two of them helped us unload the Uhaul when we got here. Their families have been so welcoming to us!

I guess the only complaint I have so far is dealing with the bugs...oh so many bugs! We saw a horse fly yesterday that I mistook for a moth. And mowing the grass could upset wasp nests. Never mind the spiders and mosquitoes! Oh well...most of them should go away in the winter.

I still miss Colorado, and my friends there, and my brother and sister. Perhaps we'll make it back there someday. Life is never predictable (and I kind of like it that way :) )

1 comment:

Resourceful Blogger said...

My sister-in-law goes to Grace Baptist and I have been there in the past. You'll really like it I think. Her name is Tammie Litchford if you ever run into her. Such a small world. I am so excited to have found another blogger who lives nearby. They also have a huge event during Halloween. I take my son there every year when they have it. Email me if you ever want to talk or drop by my blog and say Hi!