Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why can't I just be a mom!

My husband and I are trying desperately to keep me home with our son. And because of this, our finances are oh so grim. So, we've decided to do some things to boost our income, like join the navy reserves, use our gi bill, get on WIC and of course cut those coupons! So, ya I'm a housewife, stay-at-home-mom (SAHM), but what student, substitute teacher, possibly navy reservists. Gone are the days of the living wage, eh! Wouldn't it be nice if one income was enough? I didn't feel as strongly about this before I had my son, but now I see how important it is to be the primary care-giver, nuturer, playmate, ever-present force of continuity, in my son's life. Feminists may say that we are past this "old way of thinking" and I should go out there and get a job! What? Wasn't the feminist movement supposed to give us a choice, rather than back us into a corner once again. I was in the navy for eight years, I've earned a Bachelor's degree, I've seen the world and sewn my I want to be a mom! Can't I just do that! Rantings, rantings.

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