Sunday, May 27, 2012


Today I paid a visit to my brother, who does nothing half-way. He gave me (let me borrow) his juicer and these books, which he bought when he thought he wanted to go on a juice fast. It didn't work out for him, but I don't think a fast would work for me either because I'm nursing. But I do want to juice, and apparently so does my 4 year old, who couldn't wait to down the carrot juice we made today! I'm excited for these changes. This week I am adding juicing to my current diet. Nothing more.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

For My Health

Have I lost my ever-loving mind? Maybe. The reason I ask this is because I have decided to make some serious changes to my diet. The reasons: anxiety, sluggishness, irritability, being overweight, loss of endurance, cloudy thinking, tired all the time, and an overall feeling of ‘blah’. I’ve been reading a lot, and watching some seriously disturbing documentaries about food. So here are the changes I plan on making….

Dairy Products are OUT!
Only free range, grass fed meat
Only free range, grain fed chicken’s eggs


Juicing as one meal replacement and snacks

Oh my crap…this will be difficult. But I’m so tired of feeling this way, especially when I’m with my kids and all I want to do is sit on the couch and be on my laptop. Also, my anxiety levels are increasing, and becoming gluten-free may help. I basically do not want chemicals and preservatives to destroy my body. I expect I’ll feel like crap for a few weeks, so I need to time this right. But I don’t want to put it off for too long lest I forgo it all together.

Changes will be made one a week. The easiest change first, and the most difficult last.

Change #1 Add Juicing to my current diet
Change #2 Cut out all dairy products
Change#3 East only free range, well fed chicken’s eggs and meat.
Change#4 Gluten-free
Change#5 Replace one meal with juice

Change #1 will begin on Sunday when I pick up a juicer from my brother. 5/27
Change #2 6/3
Change #3 6/10
Change #4 6/17
Change #5 6/24